£30,000 Weekly Giveaway at Gala Casino (Playtech)

The Mega draws continue – Welcome to the £30,000 Weekly Giveaway! 

Throughout the month of November Gala Casino will be giving away £30,000 every week!

Weekly draws will give away masses of prizes ranging from £50 to £500 to 1300 winners as GalaCasino.com continues its MegaJackpot game bonanza.

£30,000 Weekly Giveaway at Gala Casino (Playtech)


The Mega draws continue – Welcome to the £30,000 Weekly Giveaway!  Throughout the month of October we’ll be giving away £30,000 every week! Weekly draws will give away masses of prizes ranging from £50 to £500 to 1300 winners as GalaCasino.com continues its … Continue reading